Willowbank Raceway - Willowbank Policy

Willowbank Raceway Policy

Last Updated  May 2024


ABANDONMENT OF AN EVENT POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

QLD DRAG RACING Championship Points

Should an event be abandoned at any time after qualifying has been completed the points earned at that point will be awarded to Driver/Riders. 

Where any round of the series is abandoned after the gates open and prior to the completion of qualifying, qualifying points will be allocated to competitors who have completed the CAS process at the Event.

If all Driver/Riders in a round of racing have not faced the starter at the point of abandonment of the event, no QLD Drag Racing Championship points will be allocated from that round. Point’s allocation in these instances will revert to the previous complete round of racing.

No prizemoney will be paid if the event is abandoned prior to the quarter-finals.

Entry Fee
Entry fee will not be refunded unless the event is abandoned prior to the scheduled commencement date in which case an administration fee may be retained.

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ACCEPTANCE OF ENTRY POLICY (Issued at 1 March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Acceptance of Entry

Willowbank Raceway Inc. shall only be deemed to accept an entry upon it being posted on the Willowbank website. It is the responsibility of Driver/Rider/Entrant to check the website to ensure that their entry has been received by Willowbank and posted on the website.

Closing Date

Entries close as per the date advised on the event entry information.

No mail entries received, other than those post marked prior to the closing date will be accepted after the closing date.

Late Entry

All other entries received by 5pm one week after the original closing date will be deemed a late entry and will only be accepted after the payment of a late entry penalty of $250. Late entry penalty is not refundable.


Willowbank Raceway has a strict policy on vehicle signage. Willowbank Raceway holds the rights to refuse entry to any Driver/Rider that features inappropriate or offensive signage on their race vehicle, tow vehicle, transporter, uniforms, merchandise or any other item associated with their race team. This will be strictly enforced.

Any Driver/Rider wishing to verify their signage with Willowbank Raceway should supply email photos of said signage for approval prior to entering the events.

Drug and Alcohol Testing

Willowbank Raceway reserves the right to conduct random drug and alcohol testing for all competitors, crew members and officials participating in any event conducted at Willowbank Raceway. Any positive readings will result in eviction from the event and may result in further penalties. Drivers/Riders are responsible for all crew members for their vehicle and crew members found to return a positive reading will result in the Driver/Rider and whole crew being evicted from the event.

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DRIVER/RIDER PASSES POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Driver/Rider Passes

IHRA Licence or other photo Identification must be presented to collect passes at the gate. Driver/Rider must make own arrangements for distribution of passes.

Note: Using passes and not racing will result in a request for balance of true value of passes, prior to further acceptance of future event entry.


Armbands will only be issued in exchange for a green and yellow paddock (Driver/Rider) pass. The total maximum number of passes issued by the track for that class or bracket is the maximum number of armbands permitted. All personnel must read, accept and sign the IHRA Indemnity Statement to receive an armband.

All Driver/Rider/crew must display the relevant armband at all times.

Crew Members

On issue of armband passes by the Driver/Rider to their crew the Driver/Rider takes full responsibility for the crew’s actions for the entire event. It is the Driver/Riders responsibility to ensure their crew are aware of ALL Track Regulations and Policies.

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CURFEW POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015


Movement of any motorised vehicles throughout the Paddock area is not permitted after two hours from the last race of the night. The only exceptions are to the toilet/shower facility only and any security or approved Willowbank Raceway vehicles.

All Driver/Rider pit spaces need to be locked down by midnight. Driver/Riders with urgent repair work to their vehicle may continue to work in their allocated space but are not permitted to move about the facility with the exception to toilet/shower facilities.

All motorised vehicles can only be driven or ridden by those holding a current civil drivers licence.

All drivers/riders operating motorised vehicles must adhere to the .00 alcohol limit. Drivers/Riders/Entrants and crew can be tested at any time for alcohol/drug reading.

Starting of any race engines is not permitted after midnight. This is in line with the Lease held by Willowbank Raceway Inc and the Ipswich City Council. Any breach of this could see further action taken by Ipswich City Council on the relative party.

Drivers/Riders/Entrants or their crew found in violation of any of these items may lead to the Driver/Rider being excluded from the event at that point, and from any further events at Willowbank.

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CAS AREA POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015


All participants including crew members are to wear covered footwear while in the CAS areas.


No engines are to be started while in the undercover area.

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EVENT REGULATIONS (Issued at 19th June 2006)

Amended 1st May 2024

All events are organised and promoted by Willowbank Raceway Inc. and staged under the rules, regulations of the International Hot Rod Association (IHRA) and regulations and policy’s supplementary to those as contained herein.

It is a requirement of entry that all Entrants and Drivers/Riders read and accept these regulations and declare that they have done so on the Entry Form. Where the regulations refer to Willowbank Raceway Policy, it is the Driver/Rider and entrants responsibility to ensure they have read and understood the policy.

It is the responsibility of the driver/rider and entrant to ensure that their crew are aware of all IHRA rules, Track Regulations and Policies.

Willowbank Raceway Racing Event Hierarchy

Rank Position of Responsibility
1 Track Management
2 Meeting Director
3 Sanctioning Body Chief Steward
4 National Championship Competition Director
5 Starter
6 Sanctioning Body Steward
7 Event Promoter


The Racing Event Hierarchy table is the order of responsibility of authority during qualifying or racing at an event. The position at Rank 1 will be of the highest authority and so on down to the lowest rank, excepting that any decision to the interpretation and enforcement of racing rules will see the responsibility at Rank 2 seen as the higheset order of authority in these matters.

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FIREWORKS POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015


Unauthorised fireworks are banned at Willowbank Raceway, any Driver/Rider or their crew discharging fireworks may lead to the Driver/Rider being banned from any further events held at Willowbank Raceway.

All reports of fireworks may be reported to the Queensland Police.

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MERCHANDISE POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Driver/Rider Merchandise Sales

Driver/Riders are permitted to sell apparel and merchandise at Willowbank Raceway on the following conditions;

  • All products, apparel and merchandise must feature that racer’s name and/or team name and / or car identification.
  • Sales must be conducted within your allocated paddock bay, or a commercial trade site can be purchased.
  • Strictly no giveaways are permitted unless approved by Willowbank Raceway prior to the event.
  • If a Driver/Rider/team wishes to market merchandise in variance to this policy it can only be facilitated through a commercial trade site at applicable costs and conditions.
  • Willowbank Raceway reserves the right to order the withdrawal from sale or display any item or product it considers offensive or inappropriate or in breach of this policy.

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PADDOCK ALLOCATION POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Paddock Allocation
Race vehicle, trailer and tender vehicle must fit within allocated space. No vehicles may be parked in or intrude onto the roads.

Additional Vehicles
Any additional vehicle associated with a race team and with associated passes must park in the Driver/Riders allocated bay, or allocated parking areas.

B-Double Vehicles
B-Double vehicles need to fit within allocated pit space or will need to be split.

Vehicle Removal
Any vehicle incorrectly parked may be removed by Willowbank Raceway Inc.
No responsibility will be accepted by Willowbank Raceway Inc. for any damage incurred while removing an incorrectly parked vehicle. 

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PADDOCK VEHICLES POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Paddock Vehicles

At Willowbank Raceway only vehicles that are dedicated tow vehicles, crew transport or other authorised vehicles will be permitted in the paddock area.

Motorised vehicles can only be driven or ridden by those with a current civil driving licence.

Motorised skateboards, scooters, bar stools, pocket bikes etc are banned at Willowbank Raceway.

All unregistered tow vehicles or crew transport vehicles MUST be taken to the scrutineering bay for approval and issue of Official Tow Vehicle Pass.
Approved motorbikes, golf buggies, ATV vehicles and other vehicles must comply with basic roadworthy conditions and basic commonsense in their use is required.

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POWER CORDS POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015

Power Cords

QLD’s Occupational Health and Safety regulations require that all power cords in “traffic areas” cannot be run across the ground or across roadways unless, they are protected by Australian Safety Standard covers. Driver/Riders who are found non compliant with this policy may be disqualified from the event

All power leads and electrical tools must bear a current approval tag. Leads and tools not complying with the above will be disconnected and removed immediately.

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PRIZEMONEY POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015


Prizemoney will be paid into nominated bank account. A Tax Invoice is required if your racing is conducted with an ABN.

Prizemoney for a round of racing at a completed event will only be paid if a vehicle crosses the water pad under engine power.

If an event is abandoned refer - Abandonment of an Event Policy.

Willowbank Raceway Inc. reserves the right to abide by the IHRA rule book requirement for minimum vehicle numbers in any Bracket at all Events.

Winternationals Prize money for Group 2, 3 and 4 – for full prize money to be paid a minimum of 16 vehicles must attempt to qualify, if less than 16 vehicles attempt to qualify prize money will be reduced accordingly.

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RESTRICTED AREA POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015 

Definition of the Restricted Area 

The Restricted Area defined in this policy is the areas considered as the Pre-Staging area, water burnout area, the startline area, the race track and braking area, all areas beyond the bottom of the Group 1 pits and the area located between the spectator fences and the concrete walls on each side of the racetrack plus any other signed areas. Please take note of signs designating restricted area.

Restricted Area – Indemnity Statement

All persons with access to the Restricted Areas must read, accept and sign the IHRA Indemnity Statement and display the relevant armband at all times. Unauthorised persons will not be permitted into any Restricted Areas.

Restricted Area – Driver / Rider / Crew Access

Driver/Rider/Crew issued with an armband and who have signed the IHRA indemnity are permitted into the restricted area only when their vehicle is racing. These armbands are available from the Administration Office located at the CAS area.

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Amended 1st December 2015

QLD Drag Racing Championship Stickers 

To be eligible for end of season QLD Drag Racing Championship Prizemoney, Driver/Riders must display category sponsor stickers on their race vehicle at all rounds of the QLD Drag Racing Championship. The stickers must be visible on both sides of the vehicle from a traditional side on view.

Checks for the appropriate stickers will be conducted and any Driver/Rider found not complying will be deemed ineligible for series prizemoney payout.

QLD Drag Racing Championship points will not be affected by this ruling.
It is the sole responsibility of the Driver/Rider to obtain the appropriate stickers from Willowbank Raceway Administration Officials at the CAS area. 

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WASTE OIL POLICY (Issued at 1st March 2006)

Amended 1st December 2015 

Waste Oil

Due to environmental regulations and the difficulty of disposing of contaminated oil, at all events at Willowbank Raceway there will be limited oil drums located in the Group 1 area.

Oil Dumping

We also remind you that it is a serious offence to dump oil on the ground or in a drain of any sort.

Any person found dumping oil on the Willowbank Raceway property will be disqualified immediately and reported to the appropriate environmental authorities. 

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Please click here for the updated policy 

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